Southwark (Anglican ) Cathedral
London Bridge SE1 9DA
Sunday 1 6.00pm – Advent Procession
Sunday 15 9.30am – Big Early Christmas Service at St Hugh’s
Wednesday 18 7.00pm – A Quiet Christmas (a reflective service, “Blue Christmas”/”Longest Night”)
Friday 20 7.30pm – Cathedral Choir Christmas Concert (tickets on Eventbrite)!
Sunday 22 9.30am – Tots’ Carol Service at St Hugh’s
Sunday 22 6.00pm – Cathedral Carol Service I (tickets on Eventbrite)
Monday 23 6.00pm – Cathedral Carol Service II (tickets on Eventbrite)
Tuesday 24 3.00pm – Crib Service
Tuesday 24 8.30pm – The First Eucharist of Christmas
Wednesday 25 9.00am – Eucharist with Carols
Wednesday 25 9.30am – Eucharist at St Hugh’s (Tabard St.)
Wednesday 25 11.00am – Choral Eucharist
Christchurch (Anglican)
27 Blackfriars Road SE1 8NY
Thursday 19th 5 – 7 pm Community Carols
Tuesday 24th 3 – 4 pm Nativity Service
Wednesday 25th 10 a.m Christmas Morning
1A Kennington Road SE1 7QP
Sunday 15th 6 pm Carols by Candlelight
Thursday 19th 7 pm Beer and Carols – Three Stags Pub
Wednesday 25th 10.30 a.m. Christmas Morning Service
St. John’s, Waterloo Rd.
Sunday 15 December 5pm Carols by Candlelight
Christmas Eve 4pm Crib Service
Christmas Eve 11.30pm Midnight Mass
Christmas Day 10.30am Christmas Celebration
North Lambeth Parish: St Anselms, Kennington Cross
286 Kennington Rd, SE11 5DU
Sunday 8th December
Christingle eucharist @ 10:00
The children will be making Christingles to take home during Sunday School and St Anselm’s Steel Pans will be playing.
Sunday 15th December
Christmas Carol Service @ 16:00
A community carol service with our choir and instrumental accompaniment. The service will be followed by carol singing at the Black Prince pub
Monday 16th December
Carols outside church @ 17:30
Led by our Young Voices choir and St Anselm’s Steel Pans
Wednesday 18th December
Carols outside church @ 17:30
Led by the Archbishop Sumner School brass band
Tuesday 24th December
Crib Service @ 16:00
This is a traditional family nativity service with optional dressing up! Please bring new, unwrapped toys to church. These will be given as presents to children spending Christmas in Evelina Children’s Hospital.
Midnight Mass at St Peter’s Vauxhall @ 23:00
A traditional service
Wednesday 25th December
Christmas Day Said Holy Communion @ 08:00
A simple, spoken Holy Communion service.
Christmas Day Sung Holy Communion @ 10:00
An all-age, sung Holy Communion service.
St. George’s Cathedral
Lambeth Rd. SE1 7HY
Friday 6 December
Mass and First Advent Talk 6pm
Faith and Hope – Speaker: Fr. Robert Sugg
Solemn Mass 6pm
Mass begins with the reception of the coffin of Bishop John Hine RIP
Thursday 12 December
Cathedral Carol Service 7.30pm
Friday 13 December
Mass and Second Advent Talk 6pm
Joy – Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Barnes, S.J.
Friday 20 December
Mass and Third Advent Talk 6pm
Peace – Speaker: Fr. Gildas Parry, O. Praem
Tuesday 24 December | CHRISTMAS EVE
Mass 7.30am
Children’s Crib Service 3pm
Confessions 5-5.50pm
Vigil Family Mass of Christmas 6pm (with carols)
The cathedral closes after 6pm Mass and re-opens at 11pm
Carols from 11.30pm
Mass of the Nativity of the Lord 12 midnight
Wednesday 25 December | CHRISTMAS DAY
Mass 8am, 12 noon (Solemn), 1.30pm (Spanish)
Family Mass 10am
Confessions 10-10.30am and 12-12.30pm
Please note there is no evening Mass on Christmas Day
Saturday 28 December | THE HOLY INNOCENTS, MARTYRS
Mass 9.30am
Adoration & Confessions 10-11am
Confessions 5-5.50pm
Vigil Mass of the Holy Family 6pm
Sunday 29 December | THE HOLY FAMILY
Mass 8am, 10am (Family), 1.30pm (Spanish), 6pm
Mass for the Opening of the Jubilee Year 12 noon
Mass begins with the solemn procession into the cathedral, please gather in the Amigo Hall 11.45am Confessions 10-10.30am and 12-12.30pm
Tuesday 31 December | NEW YEAR’S EVE
Mass 7.30am, 12.30pm
Confessions 12-12.20pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Adoration and Devotions 10pm Vigil Mass of New Year 11.30pm
The Solemn Vigil Mass of Mary, Mother of God will conclude with the Te Deum (see newsletter for details of associated plenary indulgence), after which the Cathedral will be closed.
Tuesday 24th 8 pm
Wednesday 25th 9 a.m.
Wednesday 25th 11 a.m.
Lutheran Church at St Mary at Hill, Lovat Lane
Tuesday 24th, 4.30 p.m. 9 Lessons and Carols
Wednesday 25th, 11 a.m. Eucharist
St. George the Martyr
Borough High St. SE1 1JA
Sunday 22nd, 5 p.m. Carols by Candlelight
Tuesday 24th, 11.30 a.m. Midnight Mass
Wednesday 25th, 11 a.m. Christmas Day Celebration Eucharis
St. Mark’s Church
337 Kennington Park Rd. SE11 4PW (The Oval)
Sunday 22nd Dec 10:30am Nativity Service
Sunday 22nd Dec 6:30pm Carol Service
Christmas Eve 5pm Crib Service
Christmas Eve 11pm Holy Communion
Christmas Day 10:30am Holy Communion