Oasis Church Waterloo is a community of ordinary people exploring life together, where everyone is welcomed. Our mission is simply this: To be an example of what an inclusive community, living Christ’s way, looks and acts like.
Our Sunday morning service starts at 11am. It’s relaxed and informal, with some songs led by a band, prayer, and a talk from our minister Nathan Jones, or one of the rest of the team. We also have a parent/carer and baby space, and groups for children and young people. We also have a fortnightly evening service, Oasis Under The Arches, which is aimed at those around 18-30 years old.
Many people come to us because of our inclusive faith – whatever your background, gender, sexuality, you’re welcome to play a full part!
However, there’s much more to our church than just the Sunday services. We’re part of a wider charity which seeks to create community and help people reach their God-given potential.
Here at Waterloo, we’re engaged in a range of activities, from foodbanks to debt advice, choirs to youth work and much more, all of which is an outworking of our desire to become the best example of ourselves and live like Jesus in our local community. For over 20 years, we’ve fostered inclusion and belonging in Waterloo, engaging volunteers, parents, and churchgoers to build a thriving, valued community.
We’d love you to join us, and there’s room for everyone to get involved!
Check us out at www.oasiswaterloo.org!